Titan Marine Air
Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey. Your valuable feedback will assist us in enhancing our offerings related to marine parts and remote tech support.
Please take a few minutes to share your opinions and preferences.
How often do you go sailing? Frequently (more than once a month)Occasionally (once a month)Infrequently (less than once a month)Rarely (almost never)
Where do you typically purchase marine parts and spares? Local marine supply storesOnline retailers ( please specify)Other (please specify)
What factors influence your choice of marine parts supplier? PriceQuality/Brand reputationProduct availabilityCustomer serviceOther (please specify)
Did you know that Titan Marine Air also provide online sales and services? YESNO
If you've used Titan Marine Air before, please rate your overall satisfaction with the service recieved. (1 = very dissatisfied and 5 = very satisfied) 12345
Have you ever required remote tech support for installing marine equipment on your own vessel? YESNO If YES please describe your experience with remote tech support (e.g. ease of access, helpfulness, responce time)
Would you consider using remote tech support services provided by marine equipment suppliers like Titan Marine Air for installation? Yes, definatelyMaybe, depending on the circumstancesNo, I prefer professional installation
What qualifications or resources do you believe are necessary for successful self-installation with remote tech support?
Do you typically prefer professional installation for marine equipment on your vessel? Yes, alwaysSometimes, depending on the complexityNo, I prefer DIY installations
What are the main reasons for choosing professional installation? Expertise and knoledgeWarranty and liabilityTime-savingPeace of mindOther (please spesify)
When searching for the right service provider, which of the following factors do you consider?
Would you be willing to pay more for professional intstallation services if it guarantees a smoother installation process and peace of mind?
Your responses will remain confidential and anonymous. However, if you would like to be entered into a lucky draw for a chance to win this maring accessory, please provide your contact details below
Thank you for participating in our survey! Your input is highly valuable in helping us improve our marine parts and remote tech support services.